Crecimiento interior
My name is Rafa Pastor, and since my childhood I have had a deep connection with nature. Looking at the stars or the moon always made me perceive a special energy. When hugging a tree, I felt an ascending energy that ran through every branch, every leaf, and gave life to that wonderful being. Practice sports, breathe consciously
full nature and spending hours drawing connected me with my creativity, which is nothing more than an expression of the inner being. Music, especially when composing on the piano, nourished my soul.
Thanks to this beautiful childhood, I was traveling paths that led me to the world of healing. All of this led me to work as an osteopath, developing a method based on the principles of Taoist philosophy and craniosacral osteopathy.

I am a seeker of knowledge. Along my path, I let pass, like clouds in the sky, what did not resonate with me, while I took in what lit a spark within me, expanded my heart, and fueled my personal growth. I established a deep inner dialogue, both in meditation and before sleeping, receiving answers and even images that transported me to places I had never been.
Over time, that internal dialogue grew. As I received this information from my consciousness, I corroborated it through research, discovering knowledge that filled me deeply.
I want to share this knowledge with you, so that, like I did, you can investigate it or put it into practice and feel that inner growth that will lead you to a comprehensive improvement: body, mind and soul.

True inner growth only occurs when you become aware of who you really are. You stop being a flesh and blood automaton, trapped in daily routines, and allow yourself a moment of pause to reflect on essential questions: What is life? Who am I? What am I doing on this planet?
I am going to share with you many things, truths that arise from the depths of my being, whispers that, when they reach my ears, are transformed into knowledge. My interior is my teacher, and that teacher is me. You can take them as a spark of interest, practice and feel the tingle of the experience, or simply move forward with your own interests. However, I am sure that, as you read some of these words, something in you will awaken: a frequency, a vibration that will make you appreciate, every timemore, how beautiful it is to live on this earthly plane.

It all started here a long time ago:
Who are you? You are much more than a physical being made up of structures that give life to your body. Bones and muscles provide you with movement, and other systems allow you to enjoy earthly life. But you don’t define yourself only by the physical; You are something much more important. First and foremost, you are an energetic being of incredible power, a pure consciousness that is part of a vast cosmic consciousness from which everything originated. Energy structures circulate in your physical body that complement your health.
Your body has been equipped with a brain where multiple functions are developed for the entire organism. However, the most relevant thing is that the mind resides there. The mind is an innate intelligence that must be used wisely. Although the brain is physical, the mind is not. The mind connects with consciousness and uses the brain to communicate. When our mind enters into resonance with higher planes, it becomes what we can call supra-conscious or higher mind.
Thoughts arise from the mind, which are forms of energy. This energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed, as it is constantly changing. You must be aware of what you think and project, because everything is energy with its own frequency and vibration. Our brain, through its neurons that emit electrical impulses, can vibrate
and form waves, which vary in frequency depending on our state, from deep sleep to maximum alertness. This is key to reaching a state of consciousness that allows us to connect with more subtle energy planes.
From here, skills can be awakened that we will discover as we progress along this path.